WSTNET Web Science Summer School 2020
                 June 29 - July 3, 2020
                         Caen, France


Web Science Trust Web Science Trust
The Web Science Trust (WST) is a charity promoting the understanding of the Web, through education and research in the discipline of Web Science. It hosts the WSTNet network of top-class Web Science laboratories from around the world.
Association française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle Association française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle
L’objet de l’AFIA, Association Loi 1901 sans but lucratif, est de promouvoir et de favoriser le développement de l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) sous ses différentes formes, de regrouper et de faire croître la communauté française en IA, et d’en assurer la visibilité.
Caen la mer Caen la mer
Communauté urbaine Caen la Mer
Co-inform Co-inform
Co-Inform is a EU-funded project involving top universities and SMEs in 7 European countries. The objective is to create tools to foster critical thinking and digital literacy for a better-informed society. These tools will be designed and tested with policymakers, journalists, and citizens in 3 different EU countries.
GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
With more than 300 employees at two locations - Mannheim and Cologne - GESIS provides essential and internationally relevant research-based services for the social sciences. As the largest European infrastructure institute for the social sciences GESIS offers advice, expertise and services at all stages of scientists' research projects. With this support socially relevant questions can be answered based on the latest scientific methods, and with high quality research data.
L3S Research Center L3S Research Center
The L3S Research Center develops methods and technologies for digital change and investigates the effects of digitisation in order to derive options for action, recommendations and innovation strategies for business, politics and society.
Normastic Normastic
Normastic est une fédération de recherche CNRS (FR n°3638) associant le GREYC et le LITIS et ayant vocation à réunir les chercheurs normands dans le domaine des STIC. Pour plus de détail vous pouvez consulter le projet de notre fédération. Normastic est rattaché principalement à l’Institut des sciences de l’information et de leurs interactions (INS2I) du CNRS. Elle dépend secondairement de l’Institut des sciences de l’ingénierie et des systèmes (INSIS). Les sections CNRS de rattachement sont : 6, 7, 8.
The Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT), created in 1990, is a Joint Research Unit (UMR) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INP), the Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse3 (UT3), the Université Toulouse1 Capitole (UT1) and the Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès (UT2J).
Provenance-driven & Legally-grounded Explanations for Automated Decisions Provenance-driven & Legally-grounded Explanations for Automated Decisions
PLEAD brings together an interdisciplinary team of technologists, legal experts, commercial companies and public organisations to investigate how provenance can help explain the logic that underlies automated decision-making to the benefit of data subjects as well as help data controllers to demonstrate compliance with the law. Explanations that are provenance-driven and legally-grounded will allow data subjects to place their trust in automated decisions and will allow data controllers to ensure compliance with legal requirements placed on their organisations.
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